The Brothers Karamazov


Idioma English

Publicado el 9 de Julio de 2005 por Dover Publications.

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5 estrellas (2 reseñas)

Completed only a few months before the author's death, The Brothers Karamazov is Dostoyevsky's largest, most expansive, most life-embracing work. Filled with human passions ― lust, greed, love, jealousy, sorrow, and humor ― the book is also infused with moral issues and the issue of collective guilt. As in many of Dostoyevsky's novels, the plot centers on a murder. Three brothers, different in character but bound by their ancestry, are drawn into the crime's vortex: Dmitri, a young officer utterly unrestrained in love, hatred, jealousy, and generosity; Ivan, an intellectual capable of delivering impromptu disquisitions about good and evil, God, and the devil; and Alyosha, the youngest brother, preternaturally patient, kind, and loving. Part mystery, part profound philosophical and theological debate, The Brothers Karamazov represents the culmination of Dostoyevsky's life's work and ranks among the greatest novels of all time. Reprint of the Constance Garnett translation as published by W. …

99 ediciones

reseñó Os Irmãos Karamazov de Fyodor Dostoevsky (A Obra-Prima de Cada Autor)

Uma obra densa demais para os tempos rápidos atuais.

5 estrellas

Nesse livro Dostoievski me surpreendeu com uma narrativa bem construída, detalhada e rica.

Conheço livros detalhados, no entanto esse me surpreendeu. Quem diria que Ilucha teria papel tão importante? Quem diria que Katalina e Mitya teriam um momento de redenção? Discordo apenas em uma parte do narrador, mas longe de mim querer ditar algo a obra. Aliocha não é o herói aqui, talvez apenas o mais virtuoso. Acho que não há heróis entre os Karamazov.


  • Fathers and sons -- Fiction
  • Brothers -- Fiction
  • Russia -- Social life and customs -- 1533-1917 -- Fiction