feldnerin reseñó Record of a Spaceborn Few de Becky Chambers (Wayfarers, #3)
It was ok, but not as good as the first one
3 estrellas
interesting stories for the different caracters. but I liked the first 2 books of the wayfarer series better
Tapa dura, 439 páginas
Idioma Czech
Publicado el 8 de Octubre de 2019 por Host.
Poslední lidé opustili Zemi už před stovkami let. Po vleklém putování prázdnotou byli (většinou) přijati mezi druhy, které ovládají Mléčnou dráhu, a po generace trvající cesta flotily Exodus skončila.
Ale to je dávná historie. Dnes je flotila Exodus živoucím pomníkem, místem, odkud mnozí pocházejí, ale málokdo ho viděl. Exodané se rádi pyšní svou komunitou a tradicemi, ty však nejsou tak původní, jak si myslí.
Mnoho Exodanů odchází do cizích měst nebo kolonií a ti, kteří zůstávají, musí uvažovat o svých vlastních životech a budoucnosti. Jaký je účel lodi, která dosáhla svého cíle? Proč zůstávat ve vesmíru, když existují jiné obyvatelné světy? Jaká je cena za udržování pečlivě vyváženého způsobu života — a stojí vůbec za záchranu?
interesting stories for the different caracters. but I liked the first 2 books of the wayfarer series better
Again a great book in the series. Having recently read the previous book in the series this did not engage as much as the previous book. Somehow I was not in the mood for reading it just now.
The book gives a unique perspective of systems, humanity and culture. Not to give too much of a spoiler, but some of the topics could be seen as triggering, perhaps mostly due to the compassionate tone that the author uses.
Jak sem psal uz u jednicky - "Pomerne klidna space opera." - porad plati. Je to takovy zensky a bavi me to vlastne vic a vic. Opet spis psychologicka sonda, tentokrat jak by to mozna mohlo byt, kdyz je vlastne tvoje puvodni poslani prezity, ale mozna neni.
As with every book by Becky Chambers that I have read, I struggled in the beginning. The pacing is different in each of her books, the characters have loose links to past storylines at best, and I always need time to ease myself into the new perspectives that slowly develop.
But this book! Yes, it starts slow. But when the story finally takes off, when things start to converge, the payoff is well worth it.
I was smitten with the worldbuilding that was even more intricate and well thought-out than in previous books of the series. I loved the characters, the way they explore facets of the society they inhabit. And in the end, I enjoyed the way the story develops.
I also needed tissues, but that's me.